* Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
FMLA Fact Sheet
* Federal Cares Act - Letter
* Flexible Spending Plan
Reimbursement Claim Forms
* Medical Insurance
Empire Plan Participating Provider Directory
* Pre-approval is now needed for an MRI or a CAT scan, except in the case of an emergency. It is the doctor's responsibilit to get an authorization number, but it is incumbent upon the enrollee to check and follow-up.
* If you are diagnosed with cancer, call Empire and enroll in the cancer part of Empire insurance. Every doctor at Sloane Kettering
participates in the plan.
* UPDATE - When an employee has family coverage, dependent children are covered until the age of 26, whether they are in school or not. After that, they can COBRA the health benefits. This, however, only applies to healthcare. Dental coverage stops at the age of 25 or upon graduation from college, whichever comes first. COBRA is available at a cost of $610 per month, which you can keep for 36 months. Any dependent under the age of 30 without coverage can enroll in COBRA effective 1/10/2010 and be covered until the age of 29. They must pay the full cost of COBRA.
* Military Service Eligibility Expanded
Chapter 41 of the Laws of 2016 enables eligible members to claim up to three years of service credit for military duty – no matter when the service occurred. Previously, to purchase military service credit, the service must have been performed during specified periods of war and certain hostilities.
In order to be eligible to claim this credit, members must have been honorably discharged from the military, have at least five years of credited service, be active NYSTRS members on or after May 31, 2016 (when the law took effect) and claim any possible military credit before their effective date of retirement.
For Tier 1-5 members, the cost for the service is 3% of the salary earned during the 12 months of credited service immediately preceding the year in which a claim is made for each year of military service. For Tier 6 members, the cost for the service is 6% of the salary earned during the 12 months of credited service immediately preceding the year in which a claim is made for each year of military service.
To submit a claim for military service, send a letter and a copy of the applicable honorable military discharge Form DD 214 to the Retirement System. Please contact NYSTRS at (800) 348-7298, Ext. 6060 with any questions.
* New Teacher
NYS New Teacher Professional Development Requirements
* Retirement Planning